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Need help? We're always here!

There may be a few reasons why you cannot access some of the pages.

  • You are not a member of The Writers' Studio.

  • You do not have a The Writers' Studio account that can allow you to access the stories.

  • Your The Writers' Studio account has not yet been approved by The Writers' Studio Managment Committee (So, please wait or email them! ;D)

If you want to join the The Writers' Studio, go to the "Login/Signup" button at the top right-hand coner of the website and enter your email address in the box.

If you are wondering how to create a The Writers' Studio account, look at the steps below.

If you have any other enquiries, do not hesitate to contact The Writers' Studio Managment Committee via email. The contact information are at the Contact page.



Create The Writers' Studio account


Click on the "Login/Sign Up" button at the top corner of the page



Login/ Create Account

A window will appear, requiring login. 

  • If you already have an account, log in. If any problems still persist, please email the management committee directly.

  • If you do not have an account, please sign up.


Your account will take a few days to be approved. So, wait! :) 





Once your The Writer's Studio account is approve, you will be able to view The Writers' Studio stuff!!! You're a VIP!!! Enjoy!!!

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